Orchard books
My Little Pony 6 Picture Books Collection Paperback Brand New Collection Ages 3+
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Titles in Collection
Princess Cadance's Royal Holiday
Magical Baby Flurry Heart
The Secret of Gabby Gums
Cutie Mark Crusaders Forever!
Adventure in Everfree Forest
Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Empire
My Little Pony is still very much a favourite with children all over the world and this six-book collection is full of sparkling stories following the characters as they enjoy adventures in Equestria. These picture books follow Princess Cadance and her husband Shining Armor as they take a tour of the royal kingdom. Every day, they send a postcard to Twilight Sparkle to let her know just what they've seen in places including Ponyville, Canterlot and Cloudsdale. They're perfect for little children (aged 2+ plus) who are just starting to read by themselves.